Posted in Spirit Work

Introducing the Spirits!

Hello, dear readers!

Before we get started, I must apologize for not posting anything within the past few weeks, so I figured I would take a moment to update everyone on what has been going on in my life and turn it into a decent informative blog post further down.

I’ve finally gotten my screen replaced so there is no longer a giant black crack through the left side of my screen so hopefully that will encourage me to post more whenever I have the chance!

I am also in the process of opening an online store to sell some great products to anyone who would be interested. The store will be selling things such as bath salts, face scrubs, and maybe even some personalized jar spells if anyone would be interested in that. I’d love to hear some feedback from all of you, so let me know what you think or what else you’d like to see!

Most importantly, I have been rather inactive over the past month or so due to getting a new spirit companion settled and welcomed into my home! Now that I have a chance, I would like to introduce my spirit family to the readers and give a bit of basic information about spirit companionship in hopes that it will provide a decent base for anyone else looking to get started.

Personally, I am still somewhat a beginner with spirit companionship, so please do not take my practices and experiences to be something you must strive for! Do a bit of research for yourself, and find what fits best for you. Be safe and take the necessary precautions no matter what you do.

Without further ado, it is time to introduce my family!

My first true companion is a spirit I call Vaughn. He has been around since I was very young and more recently, he’s become more of a guardian of the household rather than a steady companion. He can appear a bit unsettling or intimidating for anyone seeing him for the first time, as he’s very tall and completely black. While he’s shaped like a human, he looks similar to a Shadow Person, in which none of his features are quite defined. His eyes are completely white and he has very large crow-like wings. He is a wonderful listener and gives fantastic advice whenever I need it. He’s very reliable and knows many cool places to visit when I astral travel with him.

More recently, I have met my second companion. I will refer to him as Sandy for the sake of this blog. I met Sandy toward the beginning of the summer of this year and he’s been a joy to have around. He is what is known as a “Nigesai” merman and appears to have the tail and bottom half of a lionfish. He has told me previously that the Nigesai merpeople value the color pink more than any other, as it is the rarest color to come across in their species. On the rare occasion that Nigesai merfolk are born with pink tails, they are made royalty or at the very least upper class. Sandy has introduced me before to his wife as well as his sister’s children who he often has to care for while she is away. He has been a joy to have around, and has gotten me out of sticky situations on numerous occasions.

Lastly, I am happy to introduce my newest spirit companion. I will be calling him Jax here. Jax is a Sanguine vampire I just recently met. He is already very entertaining to be around, and I believe he will be a wonderful addition to the family. As he is still very new and adjusting to his new home, I do not have much information about him as of now, but I will be updating more on him as time goes on.

While we are on the topic of spirits, I also have one honorable mention. I will be referring to her as Kala on this blog. Kala exists as an honorable mention as she is not a spirit companion of mine, but she is an important figure in my life at the present time. I met Kala after a very big misunderstanding brought her angrily into my astral space, but that is a story for another time. Kala later volunteered to mentor me whenever I visit the astral realm to help me learn more about her species and other species within the astral realm. Kala is a large white dragon or drake. She has no wings, and her body is very long (similar to an eastern dragon although her spine does not twist that way). Her scales feel like bone and protrude slightly from her cheekbones. All in all, she looks very unique. I am not as frequently in contact with her, so I may not talk about her as frequently other than to update you all on interesting stories I’ve had with her.

I believe that covers most of the important information for the time being. I apologize that this will be a rather short addition to the blog, but I hope my activity will begin to increase once again after this (Right here Jax has asked me to say hello on his behalf!), so stay tuned for upcoming updates and information.

While we have the chance, however, I would like to ask what you would like to see on this blog. Do you prefer informative posts like these? Would you like to see some ideas for spells? Let me know what you think!

Until next time, give a spirit a hug today and enjoy some tea.

.. Queenie ..



Posted in Polytheism

Beginning Polytheism

Hello dear readers!

I apologize for my absence the past few weeks, but balancing the spiritual with the physical is a constant challenge! There has been some interest in this blog already, which I must say I didn’t quite expect so soon. That’s not a bad thing, of course, but I hope you all will be patient with me, as I am still deciding how exactly I want this blog to run to go as smoothly as possible and give you all the experience you deserve. I thank you greatly for your patience!

Before we delve in today, I’d like to ask your opinions on what you’d like to see on this blog in the future. Spirit work? Spirit keeping? Polytheism? Witchcraft? A little of everything? Feel free to let me know your thoughts. I’d also like to make a note here that my messages are always open for any questions, comments, or concerns you may have. I may not respond right away, but I will always read and appreciate what you have sent me!

Without further ado, let us begin.

If you’re just starting out with the worship of multiple Gods, I’d like to be the first to welcome you! This path can be a very interesting time in your life, and whether you’ve decided to worship the Greek deities or the Egyptian ones or Norse ones, it’ll be a real adventure, and once you get started with one of them… well, you should probably be ready to consider some others, as well.

Personally, I’ve only dealt heavily with the Greek deities (with a little bit of the Norse Gods, but that’s a story for another time), so unfortunately, I can’t provide a great amount of information on other pantheons.

As you’re getting started, the most important thing to remember is to never take from a closed culture. I won’t go into much detail here, as it takes just a quick Google search to find out what is considered a closed culture or religion.

Fortunately, the pantheons I’ve listed above are open, as are many of the practices within them. Once again, a quick Google search will weed out your options for you.

Beginning with the Gods can be as easy or as difficult as you make it out to be. It can be anything from “Hello! I’m Queenie. I’d like to begin worshiping you!” to an advanced ritual for each of the Gods. It’s entirely up to you. This is your path, after all, and as long as you are respectful, there isn’t much you can do wrong.

In my experience, I originally wanted to begin worshiping only Artemis. Once I did, however, I felt a little nudge to reach out to Aphrodite, as well! It wasn’t long after that when I had Zeus knocking at my door as well, and I’ve been with them ever since. The truth is, the Gods and Goddesses love attention. If you’re giving them attention, then they’ll love you!

I won’t go into details about offerings in this post, but in the future, I’ll try to begin making a large list of potential things you can offer to your deities. For now, if you’ve decided on a God or Goddess, find yourself a few minutes to yourself to close your eyes and reach out. It’s always nice to bring something small with you the first time you talk to a deity, so for this situation, wine, water, bread, or chocolate usually goes a long way! If you’ve got a particular God or Goddess in mind, try to think of their attributes or what they represent. Athena may love having olives offered to her, or Dionysus may love grapes! Feel free to experiment. The Gods aren’t too picky if you’re just starting out.

From there, start to build your relationship with your deities. Light candles or incense or  burn oils in their name for them to enjoy. Spend some time in prayer or invite them to watch a movie with you.

Give this a try, dear readers! You may find yourself drawn somewhere you never expected. Let me know how this develops for you.


Until next time, chat with the Gods and enjoy some tea.


.. Queenie ..


Posted in Uncategorized


Hello, dear readers!

Queenie here once again to clear up a bit of that new-witch confusion. To all you witches who are just starting your path and discovering yourself, here is a post dedicated solely to making sure we clear up a bit of that confusion by answering common questions asked by new witches.

Without further ado, let us begin.


  • Who can be a witch?

The answer is very simple, my dear reader—anyone! That’s right; Anyone can be a witch. No matter what pronouns you go by or what body parts you have, what you look like or how much you know, anyone can be a witch.

  • Don’t I have to be a girl?

Nope! The term “witch” is completely gender neutral. You needn’t refer to yourself as a “wizard” or “warlock” (unless you’d prefer to, of course).

  • Do you have to be Wiccan to be a witch?

Absolutely not! Perhaps one of the most convenient parts of witchcraft is that you do not need to follow any path except your own. There are Hellenic witches, Kemetic witches, Satanic witches, even Christian witches and witches who are atheist.

  • I don’t know where to start!

My dear reader, starting as a witch can truly be a puzzling time. There just seems to be so many terms, practices, divisions…! It can be overwhelming. Don’t stress too much, however. If you are confused by something, it never hurts to ask for help! Do some research, google a term if you don’t understand it, and do whatever you can to make it easier on yourself. Don’t overwhelm yourself by taking on too much all at once!

  • What materials will I need?

Witchcraft can be as simple or as difficult as you want to make it. Sometimes a simple recipe with three to five ingredients can do the trick, rather than an advanced recipe that requires twenty items or so. Some of the basic things to have on-hand include: rocks or crystals, kitchen herbs, salt, water, candles, and some scented oil, if you can get it. If any of those things are inaccessible, fret not! There are many alternatives, many of which I will be discussing on this blog in the near future.

  • What can I expect?

This is a difficult question to answer simply due to the fact that everyone’s craft and experiences are entirely unique to that person. Someone may excel at divination (tarot cards, runes, pendulum) while they struggle at astral traveling or vise versa. Nobody can truly be good at everything, after all! Witchcraft can be a rather unpredictable path full of twists and turns, but as long as you keep an open mind, you will be successful.

  • How do I do _______ ?

Practice, practice, practice! Study, study, study! Can’t see spirits? Can’t astral travel? Can’t for the life of you remember what rose quartz is good for? Practice and study relentlessly. Nobody can learn to perfectly do something overnight. Even if your first attempt is a complete failure, just remember that you’re one step closer to success than you were five minutes ago!

  • So will I be able to shoot fireballs from my wand?

As cool as that would be, I’m afraid witchcraft isn’t always what pop culture portrays it to be. There are still plenty of options available to suit your desires, but I wouldn’t get your heart set on growing a pair of dragon wings anytime soon. Keep in mind that witchcraft isn’t so much levitating a glass of water as it is stuffing a bunch of things into a jar and lighting lots of candles and hoping it works. However, if you’re still bent on those wings, well… Let me know how that goes for you.

This covers most of the common questions people have regarding the beginning of their adventure as a witch. I will update this more as time goes on and I receive more questions.

Until then, make some tea and greet a spirit!

.. Queenie ..

Posted in Uncategorized


Hello, dear readers!

Throughout this blog, I will go by the name of Queenie. I hope that you will join me on this adventure throughout this blog as I bring to you witchcraft in the simplest form I can. On this blog, I will provide lists, recipes, altar ideas, and easy ways to perform and hone your craft without all of the stress that I had when I first began. Beginning the path of witchcraft is can be… overwhelming, especially if you are not sure where to begin.

Fret not, my dear readers, as I (and many other witches, should you know where to look) are here to help. If you’re new to this path and you’re wondering where to start, look no further! This blog will serve as a simplified way to learn the terms and basic witchery that I wish I had when I first began.

Before we delve in too deep, allow me a bit of time to introduce myself.

As I said previously, I will go by Queenie here on this blog. I have been studying witchcraft for a few years now, though I am very far from considering myself an “expert” on any topic. I am a green witch and astral traveler, though I also dabble in past lives and spirit work. I am a hellenic polytheist, but particularly worship Aphrodite and Zeus. I have a spirit companion I call Vaughn. I host a sort of “hotel for travelling spirits”, if you will. More on that later.

Those are the basics, I believe. Now if you’re very new to witchcraft, it is very likely that you don’t know of or haven’t heard some of the terms used above. I will clarify:

  • Green Witch is one who practices a more natural approach to witchcraft. I study and work with the energies of the universe and the earth, as well as crystals, plants, herbs, and similar.
  • An astral traveler is someone who–you guessed it–travels the astral realm. The astral is a spiritual plane of existence that is inhabited by spirits.
  • A hellenic polytheist is one who worships the Greek deities.
  • A spirit companion is a spirit who has willingly chosen to interact with a particular human.

This covers most of the intro, I believe. The next post will consist of common misconceptions or common questions asked by new witches.

Until then, make some tea and enjoy the sound of the rain.

.. Queenie ..